Discover your favorite patterns among our selection of porcelain bowls! They will add color to your breakfasts for a good dose of energy!
The original bowl from Pylones comes in different shapes and colors, and different materials are also available: porcelain, bamboo for both adults and children, everyone has their own. Whether it's for breakfast or dinner, the original bowl stands out.
For colorful breakfasts or lively soup dinners, choose our design bowls. Fall in love with our collection of emotion bowls, they will allow you to display your mood from breakfast. For a bit more color, we also have the Matinal bowl and Matinal Soup models with their original and stylish patterns. And for big cat fans, we have a collection of tea bowls and bowls with lids that will accompany you during your breakfast. Don't forget your Bienauchaud lid to enjoy your tea, coffee, or soup for even longer.