Policy of protection of personal data and legal notice


Its head office is located at:

41 avenue de l'Agent Sarre

92700 Colombes

Tel. : +33 (0)

RCS NANTERRE 332 251 875

Share capital: €350,000 Intracommunity VAT number: FR30332251875

The Website Publication Manager, acting in his capacity as the legal representative for Pylones, is Mr Jacques Guillemet.




198 Avenue de France, 75013 Paris – France.

RCS Paris 497 916 635

The Website is the property of PYLONES SAS.



Protecting your privacy and the security of our data is important to us. We have developed this policy so that you can understand what we collect and use from your personal data. We protect the confidentiality of all information you transmit to us and we do not share it with business partners without your consent. We take the necessary precautions to keep your personal data confidential.

All personal information relating to your identification is subject to restricted access to prevent unauthorized modification or misuse.

Also, we inform you that we comply in the collection and management of your personal data with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 in its current version and with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 on to the protection of natural persons

1- Contact information of the data controller representative

The PYLONES SAS Company registered under number 332 251 875 with the RCS of Nanterre is responsible for processing your personal data.

You can contact us :

- via the contact form
- by post: Pylones Service Web 41, avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

2- Purposes, categories and retention period of personal data

Pylones uses your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Order and customer relationship management (e.g. deliveries, invoices, accounting and especially customer account management, management of the Pylones loyalty program, customer relationship monitoring, the management of comments on our products,
     claims management and after-sales service).
  • Payment of your orders, when you pay on our site, your payments are secure. Pylones does not collect your payment details but only a payment identifier and last 4 digits of your card to allow you to recognise the card that was used for payment. All of your bank details are collected only by our certified payment service provider Hipay, which guarantees the security of payments. For service needs, this payment  service provider may be the recipient of your personal data relating to your bank card numbers, which it collects and stores in our name and on our behalf. We do not have access to this data. However, when you check the box expressly provided for this purpose on the Site, to enable you to make regular purchases or to pay the related costs on the Site, your data relating to your bank cards are kept for the time of your registration on the Site and at the very least, until the moment you complete your last transaction. The data relating to the visual cryptogram or CVV2, written on your bank card, are not stored. If you refuse to have your personal data relating to your bank card numbers kept under the conditions specified above, we will not keep this data beyond the time necessary to allow the transaction to be carried out.
  • Respond to inquiries as part of the recruitment process.
  • Customer knowledge and statistics and performance of our site. We may use data to better understand our customers or for statistical purposes to analyse the activity of our site and improve the services we offer.


The personal data collected by Pylones about you are your name, surname, Facebook username (when you decide to link your Pylones account to your Facebook account) gender, address, email address, language, password, phone number, IP address, connection data and navigation data, order history, preferences and data centres, 'interests, list' (desires) products consulted, incidents of deliveries, claims. In some cases, we may collect location data, for example, to tell you which store is closest to you.The mandatory or optional nature of the data is reported to you during collection by an asterisk. If you do not provide your personal data, the provision of which is mandatory, we will be unable to create an account for you. When you create an account, the requirement to provide personal data is contractual and determines the creation of your account.

Some data is collected automatically because of your actions on the site. We assign a customer number.

We collect the information that you provide us, especially when:

  • you create your customer account on our site and in store,
  • you join our loyalty program,
  • you place an order on our site,
  • contact our Customer Service.

Following the creation of your account and subject to having consented, you can receive information and offers of Pylones by electronic communication (Newsletters, email, SMS ...). These mailings allow you to keep up to date with Pylones news and the advantages you can benefit from our brand. We measure the opening rate of our electronic mailings to adapt them to your needs.
We can offer you alert to be informed by e-mail of availability or news of interest to you. These alerts allow you to be kept informed from time to time of the next availability of the product you are interested in.

The processing of your personal data is legitimated by different grounds depending on the use we make of personal data.

Among the applicable legal bases:
• Contract: the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of the contract to which you have agreed when you wish to place orders for Products on our site.
• Consent: you accept the processing of your personal data by express consent (checkbox, click ....) when you tell us that you want to receive our newsletters and news and / or in the case of social network cookies, advertising cookies and Google Analytics cookies and / or in the case of data relating to your credit card. You can withdraw this consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent given before the withdrawal thereof (e.g. email campaigns).

• Legitimate interest: Pylones has an interest in processing your data which is justified, balanced and does not infringe your privacy when you voluntarily provide us with personal data during your visit to our site, the data then being collected to allow us to better respond to your requests for information. With some exceptions, you can object to processing based on legitimate interest at any time by notifying Pylones.
• Law: the processing of your personal data is made mandatory by law.


Purpose of the processing

Legal basis

Shelf life in operational basis


Useful observations

Product order management


3 years from the last activity

Retention of data to establish proof of a right or contract for the period provided for by applicable law

A customer is active for example when he makes a purchase or connects to his account

Using the account www.pylones.com


3 years from the last activity

Retention of data to establish proof of a right or contract for the period provided for by applicable law

A customer is active for example when he makes a purchase or connects to his account

Sharing data within the PYLONES group for customer knowledge purposes

Legitimate interest

3 years from the last activity

Retention of data to establish proof of a right or contract for the period provided for by applicable law

You can report your opposition to the sharing of information within the PYLONES group at any time by requesting the cancellation of your account through the contact form

Keeping credit card data after a payment


15 months

article L133-24 du Code Monétaire et Financier (French Financial and Currency code)

Your bank details are kept by a secure payment provider

Response to your requests for information

Legitimate interest

The time required to respond to your requests for information

Sending newsletters and / or news Consent 3 years from the collection of personal data or the last contact from the prospect, unless prospect has unsubscribed from the newsletter
Acceptance of the use of cookies Consent Refer to the cookies policy
Processing arising from customer relationship management: collection, management and dissemination of consumer reviews about products on the website and on search engines Legitimate interest 18 months per verified notice from the date of submission and 3 months from the date the email is sent if you do not submit a notice Surname, first name, email address, IP address, order reference and date, product(s) purchased, rating given and comment published, date


The data collected on the sites or in the stores is intended for the company Pylones. We do not communicate your data to third parties for promotional or commercial purposes. Certain data that we collect may be transmitted to third parties (the tax authorities, auditors in particular ...) and to service providers (subcontractors such as carriers, hosting provider, CRM tool, newsletter sending provider, project management tool and audience analysis provider) - to which Pylones uses for the performance of its services within the framework of the purposes mentioned above. - in front for example for the execution of your orders. We may share personal data with other entities of the Pylones group, that is to say with companies controlled by Pylones SAS. We use the industry standard TLS to ensure secure exchanges.

To find out more about your experience as a consumer of our products / user of our services, we use the services of the survey provider Skeepers (Avis Vérifiés) to collect your feedback, on the basis of our legitimate interest as defined in Article 6. f of the General Data Protection Regulation. 

For this purpose, we provide them with some of your personal data that is strictly necessary for the service (surname, first name, email address, order number/reference, date of order, product(s) purchased) so that they can publish authentic Reviews in compliance with the ISO20488 standard for which Avis Vérifiés has AFNOR certification. You may object to the transfer of your data at any time. Unless you delete it in advance, your data will be kept by Avis Vérifiés for 18 months from the date you submit your Review, or for 3 months from the date their email is sent, if you do not submit any Review.  Your data will then be anonymised. 

To find out more about data protection and exercising your rights at Skeepers: 


You can exercise your rights of access, deletion, opposition, modification, limitation and portability at any time by contacting us:

- via the contact form

- by post: Pylones Service Internet, 41 avenue de l'agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

You may lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Transfer outside the European Union

As part of the tools we use, your data may be subject to transfers outside the European Union. The transfer of your data in this context is secured using the following tools:

  • Either these data are transferred to a country which has been deemed to offer an adequate level of protection by a decision of the European Commission;
  • Or we have concluded a specific contract with our subcontractors governing the transfer of your data outside the European Union, on the basis of standard contractual clauses between a controller and a subcontractor approved by the European Commission.

3- Security

We inform you to take all useful precautions, organizational and technical measures appropriate to preserve the security, integrity and confidentiality of your personal data and in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged or that unauthorized third parties have access to them. . We will also use secure payment systems that comply with the state of the art and with applicable regulations.

4- Cookies

See the management of your preferences on cookies

5- Your rights regarding the use of personal data

5.1 – Your right to access, rectify and delete your personal data

In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, and the GDPR, you have the right to obtain the communication and, if necessary, the rectification or deletion data concerning you, through online access to your file. You can also contact us:

- via the contact form
- by post: Pylones Service Web 41, avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

5.2 – Your right to object to the processing of your personal data

We remind people whose data is collected on the basis of our legitimate interest, as mentioned in article 2, "Purposes, categories and retention period of personal data", that they can at any time oppose the processing of data concerning them by contacting us:

- via the contact form
- by post: Pylones Service Web 41, avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

We may, however, be required to continue processing if there are legitimate reasons for the processing which prevail over your rights and freedoms or if the processing is necessary to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

5.3 –  Your right to set guidelines for data processing after your death

You have the right to define guidelines for the retention, erasure and communication of your personal data after your death.

These guidelines can be general, that is to say, they cover all the personal data that concerns you. In this case, they must be registered with a trusted digital third party certified by the CNIL.
Directives may also be specific to data processed by our company. You should then send them to us:

- via the contact form
- by post: Pylones Service Web 41, avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

By sending us such instructions, you expressly give your consent for these instructions to be stored, transmitted and executed in the manner provided herein.
You can designate in your directives a person responsible for their execution. This one will then have quality, when you will be deceased, to take note of the aforementioned directives and to ask us for their implementation. In the absence of designation, your heirs will have the capacity to take cognizance of your directives on your death and ask us to implement them.
You can change or revoke your guidelines at any time by writing to us at the contact details above.

5.4 – Portability of your personal data

You have a right to the portability of personal data that you have provided to us, understood as the data that you have actively and consciously declared in the context of access and use of the services, as well as data generated by your activity in connection with the use of the services. We remind you that this right does not apply to data collected and processed on a legal basis other than consent or the execution of the contract between us.This right can be exercised free of charge, at any time, by going to your account in the “My personal data” section, and in particular when closing your account on the site, in order to retrieve and store your personal data.
In this context, we will send you your personal data, by any means deemed useful, in a standard open format commonly used and machine-readable, in accordance with the state of the art.

5.5 – Filing a complaint

You are also informed that you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent supervisory authority (the Commission Nationale Informatique et Libertés for France), in the Member State in which your habitual residence is located, your location of work or the place where the violation of your rights would have been committed, if you consider that the processing of your personal data covered by this charter constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.

This complaint may be exercised without prejudice to any other complaint before an administrative or judicial jurisdiction. Indeed, you also have a right to an effective administrative or judicial complaint if you consider that the processing of your personal data covered by this charter constitutes a violation of the applicable texts.

5.6 – Limitation of processing

You have the right to obtain the restriction of the processing of your personal data, in the following cases:
- During the verification period that we carry out, when you dispute the accuracy of your personal data,
- When the processing of this data is illegal, and you want to limit this processing rather than delete your data,
- When we no longer need your personal data, but you want them to be kept in order to exercise your rights,
- During the period of verification of legitimate reasons, when you have objected to the processing of your personal data.

To obtain the limitation of the processing of your data in the aforementioned cases, you can contact us:

- via the contact form
- by post: Pylones Service Web 41, avenue de l'Agent Sarre, 92700 Colombes Cedex (France)

6- Modifications

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify this charter at any time, in whole or in part. These modifications will come into force as from the publication of the new charter. Your use of the site following the entry into force of these changes will constitute recognition and acceptance of the new charter. Otherwise and if this new charter does not suit you, you will no longer have to access the site.

Last updated: 18 December 2023

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